Voucher Process
The choice voucher application process can be long and convoluted. Good thing we’re here to help every step of the way.
Here are the things that have to happen:
-Legal resident in Indiana
-Between ages of 5 & 22
-Meet this school year’s income guidelines
See the guideline chart. These guidelines are for Choice Vouchers and SGO
2023-2024 Guidelines
Step 1: Income Verification
If all qualifications are met, the next step is to turn in a copy of last year’s Federal tax form to the office. We need the first page or two of your 1040, specifically looking for line No. 11 with the AGI (Adjusted Gross Income). This needs to be submitted for every person filing in the home, regardless of relation to the student. The household size is the determining factor, not parents, guardians, spouses, extended family members, or friends. If everyone lives together, everyone needs to be counted. These can be submitted electronically now through email or dropped off at the school office.
Why? > This is MCA’s obligation to the State. It’s our accountability to the State saying that we’re not lying about students and that we have committed to being honest about checking each home’s income and making sure they qualify. If this step was falsified the State would not be obligated to pay any voucher awards to MCA and we would not be able to continue to be a Choice School.
Step 2: Application
Once we have verified your household income, MCA will submit the voucher application to the State. The results will be known immediately and you will be sent an award letter from MCA.
Step 3: Forms, Forms, and More Forms
Throughout the school year MCA will digitally send you several forms to sign off and return.
Estimated Award Letter - This informs you the estimated amount of the voucher award for the school year
Parent Assurance Form - This will be sent to you for you to sign and return acknowledging you have recieved the Estimated Award Letter and that you have submitted correct & accurate information to the school for the application
Sometime during the first quarter the state has “count day” and verifies that all the students we applied for vouchers are actually in attendance at MCA. Once this verification has been completed the Endorsement Form will be sent to you to be signed off stating your student really does attend MCA.
-Please Note: If you choose to withdraw your student prior to count day you will owe MCA the tuition for the 1st quarter and all fees and risk loosing future voucher eligibility. This is not our rule, but the state’s and is stated on the Parent Assurance Form that is signed when the application is approved.
Around the end of winter the State will determine the final award amounts for each student and school. The State will notify MCA and send a final award letter for us to distribute to each parent / guardian.