All forms can be found in Jupiter Ed and most are available to fill out electronically.
Jupiter Ed is our student information system. Access to necessary forms is granted during the registration process. Please contact with questions.
These forms are required to be updated ANNUALLY in Jupiter Ed.
Emergency Contacts will need to be updated at the beginning of each school year in Jupiter Ed. Any changes to contact information during the school year should be updated in Jupiter Ed. Changes should be confirmed with the school office to make sure we have the most accurate information at all times.
Release Waivers and Agreements are completed as part of the registration process. They include: Media Release, Field Trip, Private Vehicle Transport, Before and After Care, Internet Usage Agreement, and Chromebook Agreement. Only one of these forms is necessary per family, regardless of the number of student(s). Internet and Chromebook Agreements apply to both the Student(s) and Parent(s)/Guardian(s).
Health Information Questionnaire is completed as part of the registration process. One is required per student. This provides us with general information about your student’s health such as allergies or underlying medical conditions we should be aware of.
Acknowledgement of Handbook is also completed as part of the registration process. This document is updated annually by the MCA School Board and is posted under Materials - School Office in Jupiter Ed. It is a Parent/ Guardians' responsibility to read and review the the Parent Student Handbook. This acknowledgement form is not necessarily agreeing with the stance the school and school board has on certain subjects, but is an agreement that a family will abide by the policies stated in the handbook while at MCA and during MCA sanctioned events.
These forms are only required ONCE, at the time your student joins MCA.
Physical Exam & Dental Exam - A completed physical exam and a dental form are required at the time of admission to MCA. They will need to be printed and taken to the appropriate provider’s office. Exams must have occurred with 12 months prior to admission to MCA.
Vision Exam - A completed vision exam from an eye doctor must be on file for every student in Grades K-1 per state requirements. This form will need to be printed and taken to the appropriate provider’s office. Exams must have occurred within 12 months prior to admission to MCA.
Birth Certificate - One required for each enrolled student per state requirements. .
Immunization Record - Please provide an updated immunization record for your student. This can be obtained through your healthcare provider’s office.
Required School Vaccines for Indiana -
Meningococcal Vaccine Information -
Immunization Exemption - Only required if you are seeking an exemption from required vaccines.
Home Language Survey - Must be completed for a student’s kindergarten year and kept on file with the school
These forms are only required IF NEEDED.
Medication at School Permission Form- This form is required annually for students who receive any medication at school. This includes over the counter medications. Print the form and have your healthcare provider complete it.
Medication at School Permission - required for prescription & OTC meds
Medical Action Plan - This is required for any student with asthma, seizures, severe allergies, or diabetes. These action plans tell our staff what steps to take if a medical issue occurs at school. Please note we do not have a healthcare provider on staff at this time.
Bully Complaint Form - this should be completed in the event a student is bullied at school. While MCA promotes an environment of kindness, we know bullying may still occur. Please make us aware of any issues so that we can address them immediately.